新生辅导 & 位置测试
Advisors at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 understand that academic advising is the key component to helping students achieve their educational goals. 新学生, 转学, and students returning to 澳门足球博彩官方网址 after an extended break must attend a 新学生 建议 预约完成注册的最后步骤.
During 新生辅导, advisors are available to assist students regarding:
- 安置指标说明
- 学位或专业选择
- 选课及顺序
- 学术支持资源
- 职业和转学指导
- 毕业要求
所有新生咨询预约, 除非特别注明, 包括学生网络访问(学生用户名和密码), 一般欢迎信息, 咨询和课程注册, 父母信息, 如有需要,还会去其他院系. 我们的宿舍也可以参观.
Students are encouraged to bring a parent/guardian with them to their 新生辅导 appointment. Students requiring placement testing and advising should plan to be on-campus for approximately three hours.
一旦接受了, all new and 转学 must schedule a 新生辅导 appointment through the 招生 Office by calling 301-387-3044 or emailing admissions@misseesh.net.
Students returning to 澳门足球博彩官方网址 following an extended break should also contact the 招生 Office by calling 301-387-3044. Students returning following a break of fewer than four semesters may contact the 建议 & Academic Success Center directly at 301-387-3715 to inquire about returning.
夏天 & Fall 新生辅导 sessions are available by appointment only on the dates below. Students wishing to enroll in a summer course will need to choose an advising date prior to June 11th. 请电子邮件 admissions@misseesh.net 或致电301-387-3044预约..
5月/ 6月——面对面
预约日期如下:- 5月23日星期四
- 5月29日星期三
- 5月31日星期五
- 6月4日星期二
- 6月6日星期四
- 6月11日星期二
- 6月18日星期二
- 6月21日星期五
- 6月26日星期三
Virtual Appointments are available for students residing more than three hours from campus on the dates below and will be hosted via Zoom:- 6月5日星期三
- 6月27日星期四
Limited 新生辅导 appointments available, call to schedule.
澳门足球博彩官方网址 utilizes high school GPA to assess applicants’ academic abilities and to determine math and English course placement.
申请人高中累积绩点不低于2分.5岁或以上(4岁.0 scale) are permitted to enroll in gateway college-level courses (ENG 101 and MAT 105 or 210) immediately upon entry. 除了, students that have successfully completed Calculus or Pre-calculus with a B or higher in high school may enroll in the associated course immediately upon entry.
申请人的高中累积平均绩点在1.5和2.49 (on 4.0 scale) will be required to take prescribed co-requisite remedial courses, which are designed to be taken concurrently with college-level courses. Students will be assisted by an advisor in making this determination. Remedial courses are not transferable and do not apply toward degree or certificate completion.
高中GPA低于1分的申请人.5 are required to take the Accuplacer下一代 placement assessment to determine course placement. 详情请参阅下拉页面.
Applicants with prescribed co-requisite remediation may also choose to take the Accuplacer下一代 placement assessment if they wish to test out of the remedial course.
ACT and SAT scores that meet the threshold indicated below may also be used as placement indicators.
行为/ SAT分数 | 课程安排 |
ACT English of 21 or higher *OR* SAT Critical Reading of 480 and higher | ENG 101; no remediation |
ACT数学达到21分或更高,SAT数学达到530分或更高 | MAT 105; no remediation |
Official college transcripts must be on file in the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Office of 招生 before placement can be determined advising and registration can take place for 转学. 转学分和高中GPA都将被考虑.
有关安置指标的问题,请联系咨询 & 电话:301-387-3715或电子邮件 aasc@misseesh.net.
Accuplacer通过Zoom at Home
Accuplacer placement testing is available to accepted new students remotely using Zoom video conferencing technology. 对于远程放置测试与Zoom:
- 学生必须有一台笔记本电脑或台式电脑
- 电脑必须有视频和音频功能
- Testing must take place in a private area with limited interruptions
- 考试将由加勒特学院的监考老师监督 through Zoom video conference technology
- 学生必须在考试前出示带照片的身份证件
- 学生必须提前预约
Accuplacer placement testing is available to accepted new students on 澳门足球博彩官方网址’s 麦克亨利, 医学校区. 现场分班测试:
- 学生必须提前预约
- 学生必须在考试前出示带照片的身份证件
- 测试将在咨询中心进行 & 学业成功中心(519室)
- 考试将由加勒特学院的监考老师监督
每周都有远程和面对面的预约. 联系尼克·普拉特(尼克.pratt@misseesh.net)在咨询 & 学业成功中心安排.
Self-paced, online, free Refresher Courses are offered to students as well. These courses provide the content in a convenient and flexible online format. Students may access courses from any device with internet connectivity. The courses provide an overview of math and writing/reading with detailed examples and videos to help brush up skills and prepare for placement testing.
The app will allow users to review and take practice tests in the areas of reading comprehension, 句子的技能, 初等代数, 算术, 还有大学水平的数学. 访问Accuplacer网站 或查看示例问题的PDF格式
加勒特学院的分班考试LibGuide contains detailed information on the Accuplacer下一代 放置 Test, 考试小贴士, 样题, 模拟器测试.
A great reference for students; quickly find standards by subject. 应用程序包括数学标准K-12和语言艺术标准K-12, 符合相应的大学和职业准备标准. 可用于苹果和安卓设备. 免费的.
可汗学院 is a free, not-for-profit organization, providing world-class education to anyone, anywhere. Resources include practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard.
Students that are not satisfied with placement testing results on the first attempt may consider re-testing. Re-testing is only permitted if the student is able to demonstrate that he or she has completed a method of academic intervention following the first test attempt, 比如使用自定进度的在线复习课程. 参见准备Accuplacer下拉列表. Students are not permitted to re-test without any form of intervention.
有关测试的问题,请联系咨询 & 电话:301-387-3715或电子邮件 testingcenter@misseesh.net.